The Power of Add-ons

The journey of Via, aimed at delivering a seamless experience for end users and protocols, encountered an unforeseen challenge. Surprisingly, many projects were not primarily focused on user-centric design but rather on enhancing the utility of their tokens and introducing new features, often at the expense of a smooth and seamless user experience. This focus on growth unintentionally left a significant portion of users behind.

Given the prevalence of this approach, it's understandable that interest in our user-focused solution was limited, as limited were the opportunities to directly collaborate with these protocols. This realization led to a significant shift in our strategy when developing Ally.

Enter Ally Add-ons.

Rather than exclusively creating features in-house, we've developed a robust add-on architecture that empowers the community to contribute and enhance the Ally experience. This approach enables contributors to design and implement features that, once vetted, can be made available to all Ally users. Users, in turn, can activate these add-ons based on their needs and preferences.

The following list illustrates the types of products that can be developed and seamlessly integrated into our extension as add-ons:

  1. Upgrade Protocol Interfaces: Navigating multiple transactions can be overwhelming. Add-ons can simplify this process by bundling transactions into user-friendly 'zaps' that streamline and declutter the trading process.

  2. Wallet Integrations: Add-ons can enable Ally to seamlessly integrate with AA wallets, eliminating the need to switch between platforms and providing a unified space for all exchange-related activities.

  3. Gasless Exchanges: Collaborative add-ons can work with paymasters to ensure that trading isn't hindered by unpredictable gas fees, ensuring smoother transactions for all users.

  4. Incorporating New Platforms: In light of the evolving DeFi landscape, add-ons can ensure Ally integrates with emerging DEXs and bridges, promising a seamless trading experience.

  5. Direct Crypto to Fiat Conversions: By harnessing the potential of decentralized platforms, such as, contributors can offer users new opportunities for P2P exchanges through add-ons. This can simplify the transition from crypto holdings to tangible fiat in banks, bypassing the convoluted processes and stringent KYC requirements commonly encountered elsewhere.

By opening up the contribution and development process to the community, those who actively use the platform and possess the deepest understanding of its inner workings have the power to drive faster improvements and perfect the user experience. This community-driven approach and the core team’s unwavering commitment to streamlining user experience ensures that every feature, whether it originates from our team or the community, aligns deeply with our core mission: perfecting the art of token exchange in the expansive realm of DeFi.

**If you are excited by this open approach and interested in contributing to the Ally ecosystem, consider joining the Developer's Group β†’

Last updated