Ally Points: Season 1


The primary aim of Ally Points is to incentivize users for their contributions to the successful launch and promotion of Ally protocol's flywheels.

During this season all users need to mint a Beta Pass to test the product and earn points.

We intend to grant Ally Points in amounts that may initially surpass advertiser payments. This strategic approach is designed to attract and retain early users, generate a favorable impression of our product, and ensure sustained ecosystem activity. In other words, this is a forward-looking investment in our project, a sign of confidence in its long-term viability.

We have outlined four primary categories of activities fostering the growth of the Ally ecosystem during Season 1. Participants can earn Points by engaging in these activities:

  1. Early User Signup Bonus To receive a signup bonus of 10,000 points for minting the zkSync Early User NFT, users must download the extension and activate their wallet during Season 1. It's important to note that the signup bonus will be reduced in subsequent seasons.

  2. Ambassador Activities These activities are aimed at promoting the protocol. For instance, by sharing your referral link, you can earn 1,000 points and 0.001 eth (~$2) for each user who acquires a zkSync Beta Pass.

  3. Advertising Activities The sole activity in this category is ad viewing. One of the primary advantages of this activity is that it can be conducted entirely passively in the background by enabling the extension.

  4. Seasonal Activities These activities focus on partnerships and will be announced at a later date. Stay updated by following us on Twitter.

Bonus Points for Early Users of Via.Exchange Early supporters of Via.Exchange can earn extra points based on their contributions to project development until August 28, 2023.


Early User Signup Bonus:

Activate extension: 10,000 points.

  • You have the zkSync Beta Pass NFT.

  • Extension activated.

Ambassador-type Rewards:

1. Refer a friend: $2 + 1,000 points per person.

  • Friend minted zkSync Beta Pass via your Referral link.

2. Follow on Twitter: 500 points.

3. Repost Ally's announcement on Twitter: 500 points.

  • Made a repost, tagged two friends.

  • Liked the post.

  • Claimed Galxe OAT - link

4. Write about Ally: 2,000 points.

  • Wrote and published an original article on Medium, Mirror, or personal blog. Don't hesitate to use our media kit.

  • Sent the article link to Ally's Space in Zealy - link

  • Selected as a winner on October 31, 2023. An announcement will be posted on our Twitter account @AllyHQ.

5. Create a meme about us: 1,000 points.

  • Created and posted an original Ally meme on Twitter, tagging @AllyHQ. Don't hesitate to use our media kit.

  • Shared the post link to Ally's Space in Zealy - link

  • Chosen as the winner on October 31, 2023. An announcement will be posted on our Twitter account @AllyHQ.

Ads-type Rewards:

Watch an ad: 100 points.

  • Extension activated.

  • Ad viewed (interaction not required for points).

  • Ad network confirmed view (may not accept if the view doesn't pass fraud protection).

Note: Only the imported wallet with the highest accumulated balance earns points for ad views. This maximizes user profit, as advertisers are willing to pay more to show ads to these wallets.

Retro-bonus for Via Yearly Users:

1. Galxe NFT: 1,000 points each.

  • Owned any eligible Galxe NFT before August 28, 2023.

List of eligible Galxe NFTs:

2. Support on Gitcoin or ProductHunt : 2,000 points per support.

  • Made a donation to Gitcoin Grants on the 13th, 14th, Beta (17th) or 18th, or supported us on ProductHunt or Mirror.

  • Claimed your Discord role.

  • Claimed your Galxe OAT - link

3. Via Early User NFT Holder: 2,000 points.

Note: only NFT that hasn't received the bonus. If NFT purchased after Season 1 started, you might not be eligible.

4. Via True Fren: 5,000 points per OAT

  • Have "True Fren" or "Beta" in Via's Discord before August 28, 2023.

  • Claimed Galxe OAT - link

5. Transaction volume through the Via Router from February 2022 to August 28, 2023: 1 points per US$100.

  • Made a swap or bridge on Via Router for more than US$1.

Last updated