Ads Monetization

Earning opportunities for both us and users, reshaping the banner advertising landscape

Our team initially entered the market with a clear mission: to create the best token exchange experience. However, after more than two years of development, we realized that even with a great user experience, end users would be reluctant to pay for a service they could access for free on other venues. This challenge was magnified by the additional expenses of proxy smart contracts, as previously discussed. At the same time, depending solely on investments was an unsustainable path. Consequently, our team had to explore alternative sustainable and healthy revenue sources. Our CEO, leveraging his background in successful affiliate marketing and co-founding a mobile advertising network, presented a logical solution.

Given our reluctance to impose swap fees and recognizing that our front end might not attract sufficient traffic for substantial and consistent ad revenue, we explored an alternative monetization strategy: displaying advertisements on third-party websites already featuring ads.

As a Google Chrome extension, Ally can unilaterally replace ads displayed on third-party websites by modifying the code of the sites viewed by users. For example, Rabby, a wallet extension, can change the text "Connect MetaMask" to "Connect Rabby". Similarly, Ally identifies an advertisement banner on third-party websites, such as Etherscan, and substitutes it with an ad that compensates Ally for reaching its users.

What's even more exciting is our endeavor to disrupt the advertising industry by sharing most of the revenue generated from ad views with users. Users will be exposed to ads, but in return, they will earn something, akin to rewarded ads in mobile games or Brave Rewards in the Brave Browser. In collaboration with several Web3 ad networks, we have developed a solution that rewards users with a share of the tokens that advertisers pay for displaying their ads. This innovative approach ensures that users can capture a portion of the revenue they contribute to generate, substantially upgrading the advertisement business model and aligning it with the principles of Web3.

How Does Monetization Work

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