Protocol stakeholders

The protocol engages five principal stakeholders:

  1. Users:

    1. Benefits: Access to optimal swaps without fees and an opportunity to earn passive yields.

    2. Contributions: They view advertisements.

  2. Advertisers:

    1. Benefits: Show advertisements to a targeted crypto audience, utilizing user address information for precise targeting.

    2. Contributions: Provide monetary compensation.

  3. Governance Token Holders:

    1. Benefits: Potential appreciation of the value of their stake in the company.

    2. Role: Oversee and manage the protocol.

  4. DeveloperDAO (Comprising the core developer team and external contributors):

    1. Benefits: Receive fair compensation for their contributions.

    2. Role: Propel the enhancement of the protocol.

  5. MarketingDAO (Comprising the core advertising network team and external affiliates):

    1. Core Team Benefits: Increase the value of their company stake by optimizing protocol revenues and token buybacks through negotiations with advertisers.

    2. Affiliate Benefits: May receive a share from the MarketingDAO treasury.

    3. Role: Drive user growth within the protocol.

Last updated